Total Body Scan® Tehnology

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Total Body Scan® Tehnology

Total Body Scan® offers a comprehensive image of your body.

The purpose of these screenings is to discover possible indications which are characteristic of common diseases (for example: cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, tumours and vascular alterations), at an incipient stage.

The skull and the brain

– The risk of stroke and cerebral haemorrhage

– Benign and malign tumours, inflammations

– Calcification and alterations inside the arteries

Arteries carrying blood to the brain (carotid artery)

– Calcification and alterations inside the arteries, which may lead to a stroke or a cerebral haemorrhage

The heart (depending on age and risk factors)

– Calcification of the coronary arteries, which may lead to heart attack

– Assessment of the cardiovascular risk for the following five years

– Possible infections of the heart muscle and the pericardium

The lungs (depending on age and risk factors)

– Tumours, infections, scars of the pulmonary tissue

– Emphysema or other lung diseases

Assessment of the upper abdomen

– Assessment of all organs in the upper abdomen (except for the stomach and the intestines)

– Screening to detect tumours in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys

– Screening to detect gravels (kidney stones) and gallstones

– Screening for cysts or other enlargements of the lymph gland; examination of the spleen

– Examination of the aorta

The lower part of the abdomen and pelvis

– Assessment of all pelvic organs, such as: the urinary bladder, the prostate (for men), the uterus and the ovaries (for women)

– Screening to detect tumours, pathological transformations of the urinary bladder or other alterations, such as urinary incontinence

– Screening for cysts or other enlargements of the lymph gland, inflamed nodules, adenopathy or lymphadenopathy

– Screening of the pelvic region for viewing alterations of the spine in the lumbar area

The stomach and the intestines cannot be checked by Total Body Scan®. The condition of the intestine, depending on the age of the examined person, should be evaluated with a colonoscopy (possibly virtual), and the stomach should be subject to a gastroscopy, to make sure that no possible tumours remain undetected by other means of screening. Carrying out an examination through Total Body Scan® takes about half a day.

* In case of any counterindications for computed tomography scanning (CT), the physician may suggest alternative examinations for the organs concerned.

New oncologic treatments. Personalised treatments, targeted therapy and immuno-therapy

The clinics in Vienna make available for international patients the newest and the most innovative methods for cancer diagnosis and treatment, based on an DNA analysis of the cancer tumour. This molecular genetic analysis of cancer underlies the worldwide development of the concept of personalised medicine in oncology. It involves an individualisation of the therapies provided to a patient, depending on the specific genetic characteristics of the tumour.

The DNA analysis of a cancer tumour records the alterations of the cells and the genetic mutations which are closely connected with the appearance and evolution of cancer. This test involves carrying out a minimum invasive liquid biopsy or a classic biopsy in the affected area, and then the tissue sample will be examined in a specialised anatomopathological laboratory.

High precision diagnosis

Based on this analysis, the Interdisciplinary Expert Commission in Oncology, Genetics and Molecular Biology (the Tumour Board) elaborates a final, high precision diagnosis and determines the most efficient treatment options for every single patient, which are personalised depending on the type of tumour concerned.

The strategy for personalised treatment includes, besides classical oncological treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical intervention), two of the latest therapies used at international level in cancer treatment: TARGETED PERSONALISED THERAPY and IMMUNO-THERAPY. These therapies are only available in a few centres in Europe.

The breakthroughs in medicine over the last decades have diminished the fears related to cancer. If 20 years ago cancer was considered an incurable disease, today it is treatable and controllable – provided that it is discovered in good time and competently treated. The oncology of the future is increasingly moving towards the personalised medicine, adapted to the specificity of the patient.

If before only standard treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical intervention were available for the patients, now, based on molecular diagnosis, they may benefit from innovative therapies, individualised based on the specific genetic characteristics of the tumour, which significantly increases the chances to stop the evolution of the tumour and heal. Top experts in the field of oncology from Vienna pool their skills within the competence centre for cancer treatment – the Cancer Center.

Acting on the genes and proteins which are specific to the tumour

Cancer is the second disease for which Romanians choose to have treatment in Vienna, due to the professional team of physicians and the modern treatments they offer.

Targeted cancer treatment brings an extra chance for treating or extending the quality of life for patients for whom classical treatment methods cannot stop the progression of the disease. This kind of treatment involves the administration of drugs which block the growth of cancer cells, acting on the genes and proteins which are specific to the tumour. Researchers identify new genes every year and create and test new drugs for these genes.

At present, targeted therapies are used for patients with rare tumours or patients for whom classical treatment methods cannot bring any clear benefit, for example, patients with cervical metastatic cancer. Unlike chemotherapy, targeted treatments do not affect normal cells, thus reducing the adverse effects.

Activating immunity

Immuno-oncological therapies activate the immune system of an oncological patient, making it capable of recognising tumour cells and destroy them. These therapies concern the immune system of the body and not the tumour itself, and they allow the immune system to recognise and selectively attack tumour cells.

Immuno-oncological therapies provide the immune system with a long-term memory, so that it can adapt on an ongoing basis and be able to give a sustainable and long-term response to cancer. Evidence from clinical studies shows that their effects last for long time, engaging the immune system to fight tumour cells even after the remission of the disease.

At present, the immunotherapy is successfully used especially in the treatment of advanced melanoma, in some types of lung cancer and some types of leukaemia. This therapy may benefit oncological patients who continue to see a progression of the disease in spite of having followed classical oncological treatments.

Side effects – counteracted

Austrian specialists initiate a patient’s targeted personalised treatment and immune-oncological therapies according to the strategy issued by the Interdisciplinary Medical Commission (the Tumour Board), and the side effects are carefully watched and counteracted by dedicated specialists. Depending on the evolution of the disease, after a number of administrations, the patient may continue the treatment back in their country, based on specialists’ international cooperation with their peers from other European countries.

Genetic medical analyses

Genes may be the common factor for most inherited traits in humans. The study of human genetics may be useful because it can provide answers to some questions about human nature and may help us understand diseases and develop efficient treatments to cure them.

Tests for susceptibility to genetic diseases such as colon cancer, breast and ovarian cancer, heart diseases, malformations and other diseases, prenatal genetic screening, allow us to prevent, diagnose and significantly improve the treatment of these diseases. The tests are especially taken by individuals themselves in order to diagnose their susceptibility to diseases considering their genetic past.

Premium genetic tests: the anamnesis and the final discussion with a genetics specialist

  • breast cancer, prostate cancer
  • osteoporosis
  • detoxication
  • side effects of drugs
  • macular degeneration
  • glaucoma
  • thrombosis
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • type 2 diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • gluten intolerance
  • Chron disease
  • lactose intolerance
  • Alzheimer disease
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • parodontids
  • HIV resistance
  • hemochromatosis
  • weight sensor
  • metabolic and nutrition sensor

The latest testing in the field of allergy


A team of experts in molecular allergology carry out clinical and research activities, which are capable of offering an accurate diagnosis and personalised therapy to allergic patients. All these are possible due to an original and exclusive test in nanotechnology.

Antiallergic treatment is a complex treatment, which may include specific and non-specific measures. Drug treatment is only a part of the therapeutic measures which may be applied in allergy cases.

At present, FABER is the latest method for analysing specific blood parameters for allergy problems. It contains as many as 244 parameters and is considered the most efficient technique.

When does it worth having a FABER test?

– In case that you have allergies including: rhinitis, asthma, urticaria, sneezing, red eyes, watery, breathing difficulties, wheezing, food reactions including abdominal pain, diarrhoea or adverse reactions to insect venom.

– In case that a family member is allergic or in case of bronchial asthma family history.

– In case that the overall IgE value is increased.

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